
All year-round camping

Since we moved into Willow Valley it has been our ambition to extend the season and welcome visitors to Willow Valley all year round. One way we are doing this is by installing central heating into Lodge 1 and Lodge 2 but also by extending the camping season. We applied for an extension to the […]

Visit to Charlestown

Willow Valley is surrounded by a plethora of attractions and a fantastic destination for a day trip is Charlestown Harbour. It is close to Eden Project and St Austell if you want to combine the day, but it is a wonderful atmospheric place all of its own Situated on the outskirts of St Austell on […]

Projects at Willow Valley

It has been a busy time since we took over at Willow Valley in September. If you have been here you will know it is a beautiful spot and the camping is supported by some excellent infrastructure. We have tried to build on the good things by introducing larger pitches and an online booking system […]

New Year in a Yurt

As regular readers of this blog hopefully you are starting to realise what a special place Willow Valley is. One of our plans for the future is to host various types of special events. These could include special birthdays, weddings and even festivals. It was great fun to entertain friends and family who stayed in […]

Boxing Day in Clovelly

A wonderful attraction close to Willow Valley is the village of Clovelly. A tradition is that of the band and BBQ on Boxing Day and it is a wonderful way to work off the Christmas excess.  Although with the food on offer, working off the excess may have to wait another day. Clovelly Estate is […]